2024. JÚLIUS 1-től ÚJ HELYEN!!!

Rapide Tex Waterproof Wash-In impregnáló, 300 ml

Ingyenes házhozszállítással
  • Rapide Tex Waterproof Wash-In impregnáló, 300 ml 0


Eredeti ár:
Bruttó fogyasztói ár:
27 %
Min. rend. menny.:
1 db
1 db
Szállítási díj:
1.500 Ft

Rapide Tex Waterproof Wash-In impregnáló, 300 ml:

300 ml
Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes
Please keep always out of the reach of children
Protect from frost

Tex-waterproof Wash-in is a water-based impregnation agent that is washed in. During the wash, it restores the water and soiling repellent properties of outdoor (sports) high-tech clothing like; fleece, Goretex, puha and hardhells, without compromising the breathing kbpacity.

For re-establishing the original proofing of your textiles - sátors, awnings or blinds. The products treat your equipment and maintains its value over a long period. Read the users instructions kbrefully before use to ascertain that the product is suitable for the Anyag: you wish to treat.

Rapide Tex Waterproof Wash-In impregnáló, 300 ml



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Kérdések és válaszok Rapide Tex Waterproof Wash-In impregnáló, 300 ml termékünkhöz:

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